Friday 23 September 2011

How To Installing Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Ubuntu through pendrive

This tutorial will teach you how to create a bootable windows XP/windows 7/ubuntu(any linux) pen drive and install XP/ubuntu(any linux) using this bootable pen drive.
Why would anyone want to install Windows XP from a pen drive??
  1. May be their CD drive isn’t working properly like mine, or
  2. They don’t want to waste money on a CD
More over installation from a flash drive is faster compared to a CD.
Before we go on with the tutorial here’s what you’ll need
  1. 1 USB flash drive, 1GB or larger
  2. 1 Windows XP installation disc
  3. Assorted files that I’ll describe as we go along.
  4. Note: Your BIOS should support usb boot, some older computers may not support USB boot.
Preparing the flash drive
First up, we need to prepare the flash drive.
  1. Download and unzip this file, which should contain 2 folders: 1 titled Bootsect, and the other USB_prep8.
  2. Navigate to the USB_prep8 folder and click on usb_prep8.cmd. This will bring up a Windows console window.
  1. Press any key to continue and a PeToUSB window will open.
  2. Make sure your flash drive is selected, and click start to format your flash drive.
  3. When the format is complete, click OK, but do not close the PeToUSB window or the Windows Console.
Open a new console window by typing “cmd” into the run box in the Windows Start Menu.
  1. Find your Bootsect folder (if you’re not used to DOS commands, you can type “dir” to list directories and files, type “cd foldername” to navigate to a folder name – called foldername in this example, and if there’s a long folder name you can save time by typing the “cd” and just the first few letters and then hitting the Tab key to fill in the rest of the name).
    Changing directory on a command prompt

  2. Once you’re in the Bootsect folder, type “bootsect.exe /nt52 g:” if “g” is the letter assigned to your flash drive. If it’s E, then change the letter to e. If it’s Z, make it z. Get it?
  3. When this is done, you should see a message letting you know that the bootcode was updated, and you can close this console window (but not the other console window).
  4. Close the PeToUSb Window, but make sure not to close the remaining console window yet
  5. You should now see a list of 8 options in the console.
  6. Select one and find the drive with your Windows installation disc.
    Making a bootable USB

  7. Select 2 and pick a random drive letter (but not one that’s already on your PC, since this will be a virtual drive used for copying your files).
  8. Select 3 and enter the drive letter for your USB flash drive.
  9. Select 4 and follow the rest of the on-screen directions and you should be all set.
The process should take about 15-20 minutes. When it’s done, you should have a bootable USB stick that you can use to install Windows XP the same way you would if you had a CD/DVD drive.
A few notes here. First of all, there’s a chance you may get down to step 15 and the program will tell you that it can’t create the virtual drive. This may happen if you’ve already gone through the whole process and are trying to do it again to fix problems. The solution seems to be rebooting your computer and trying again. Or at least that’s what worked for me.
Second, if you use NLite to shrink/slipstream/otherwise modify your Windows XP installation file, make sure you do not remove “manual installation files,” or your USB stick will be pretty much useless.
Once your usb drive is ready, go to your bios and set USB to first position in boot order. Now plug the usb and restart.
Make sure you back up your important documents and files, firefox bookmarks, and drivers if you lost your drivers cd.

This post explains you how to backup your drivers easily

Creating a bootable ubuntu / linux pen drive

Creating a bootable ubuntu pendrive is pretty easy
  1. First copy the iso file of the linux version you want to install on to your hard drive.
  2. Download unetbootin from http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/
  3. Then double click the unetbootin file.
  4. This will open up a small window, select disk image and browse to the image on your hard drive and click ok.
  5. You bootable pen drive should be ready in 5 to 10 minutes
Creating a Ubuntu bootable pen drive with Unetbootin
Creating a Ubuntu bootable pen drive with Unetbootin

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Top 30 Online Earning Websites of 2011

We are currently thinking twice to have online business as it contains more risk than success. But if Mr. Larry Page was also thought like this then there is no meaning of word “Google” today.

Lots of people on internet world are earning in millions and millions just from their unique websites. The numbers of E-Businessmen are increasing per day as they evaluate their online business for zero risk and more profit.
You know about one great business rule? No? Here it is: ‘Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity, but CASH is king.”

Coming back to our main topic about top websites that earns highest than any other, in this list Google was at top last year but in year 2011 Amazon takes No.1 place of Google.

Many websites ranked higher in this year like yahoo, facebook, youtube compared to last year. View complete list of top 30 online earning websites below:

Monday 19 September 2011

Google’s Top Ten Business Purchases

The Google” Worlds’s No. 1 search engine occasionally buys some online goods to expand its services all over the world. Recently Google has been bought Mobility from Motorola for 12.5 billion dollars. Let us see about Google’s top ten purchases and I am sure that this list will force you to speak OMG! (oh…my…god…!).

10) dMarc Broadcasting: 102 m dollars : 
It was Jan 2006 when Google has been bought dMarc broadcasting for 102 M dollars. This purchase was to integrate it with Google’sexisitng service Adsense to improve worldwide network from which tons of publisher are earning good money from Google.

(9) On2 Technologies: 133 m dollars :
On Feb 2010 google purchased a huge video compressing company On2 technologies after huge competition with one other company that wants to buy it too. On2 technologies was for 133 M dollars. On2 technologies was a specialist in designing of video codecs that becomes helpful for google in showing their videos on different web browsers through WebM services.

(8) Slide.Com: 182 m dollars :
Slide.Com was previously owned by PayPal’s co-founder Max. It was biggest third party application of facebook at that time. Google decided to bought this for 182 M dollars in Aug 2010.

(7) Admeld: 400 m dollars :
Google was and is always looking to provide best service to its advertisers specially as they are investing a much to put their product in front of online people. So to serve advertisers more Google has been bought Admeld website for 400M dollars. This was recently bought in June 2011 by Google.

(6) Postini: 625 m dollars :
In July 2007, Google bought web security giant “Postini” for 625 m dollars. This was to provide better security to gmail users for filtering their spam mails.

(5) ITA Software: 700 m dollars :
ITA was specialist in travel and flight search around the world, So Google bought it to expand its search services to ravel and flight search directly by using ITA software.

(4) Admob: 750 m dollars :
This was one of the most profitable business purchase for google as Admob provides Ad services for any mobile devices. Google bought it in Sept.2009 and integrate with Adsense to allow publishers to show their ads on mobile devices too that help both advertisers and publishers.

3) YouTube: 1.65 B dollars 
Oh…Youtube, You don’t know it? Not possible just kidding. Yes you will amaze after reading this that Youtube was not initially coded by Google as it was under name of other owner than google but soon after youtube’s launch it becomes very poplular that attract Google towards to buy t. So on Oct. 2006, Google decided to buy this and bought it for 1.65 billion dollars. Youtube is world’s no.1 free website for video sharing and streaming currently.

(2) DoubleClick: 3.1 billion dollars
Yes, its doubleclick! This company was a target for Google for last few years before its purchase as it provides easy optimization of ads on publisher and advertisers network. Google has been bought it for huge number of 3.1 billion dollars on April 2007 and integrate it with adsense at all. Now all ads are redirect to doubleclick first and then your ads goes to public.

(1) Motorola Mobility: 12.5 billion dollars
This was first hardware purchase by Google to enhance performance of Android supported devices. Google paid highest from all to Motorola on 15th Aug 2011 for this mobility services based on especially android. This purchase was mainly to boost android operating system quickly around the world.

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Tuesday 13 September 2011

AMD creates world record for fastest processor

Global computer chip maker AMD said it has achieved the Guinness World Record for the 'Highest Frequency of a Computer Processor'.

Frequency of a chipset is used to describe the number of calculations done by the processor in a second, and is used to assess the performance of the chipset.

The AMD FX CPU, set for launch in the fourth quarter of 2011, achieved a top speed of 8.429 GHz, surpassing the previous record of 8.308 GHz.

Freddie Hoff, adjudicator for Guinness World Records said, "We applaud AMD for their entry into Guinness World Records for achieving the Highest Frequency of a Computer Processor."

The processor will enable unrivalled PC experience - extreme multi-display gaming, mega-tasking and HD content creation, AMD Corporate Vice President and GM (Client Group) Chris Cloran said in a statement.

"The record-breaking processor speed that resides in the AMD FX CPU clearly demonstrates performance gains for the new AMD 'Bulldozer' multi-core architecture, which will provide x86 computing power for this CPU and future AMD Accelerated Processing Units," Cloran added. 

source : TechCrunch

Top 11 Techies Who Changed The World!!!

1. Steve Jobs, Apple Maverick entrepreneur and co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs is the current grandmaster of technology. Business savvy and a risk taker, Jobs is the visionary who redefined technology with world changing products like the Personal Computer, iPod, iPhone and iPad.

2. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Whizkid Zuckerberg almost single handedly transformed the Internet from a place people went to get information to a place they went to meet each other. Facebook gave the virtual world a patina of humanity, the real world a new medium of interpersonal relationships, and made Zuckerberg not only this generation’s phenomenon, but also the second youngest billionaire in the world. Interesting fact: The youngest billionaire is Dustin Moskovitz co-founder of Facebook and 8 days younger than Zuckerberg, his Harvard roommate

3.Bill Gates, Microsoft The Microsoft founder has passed the legion of supergeeks into the pantheon of technological demi-gods. The richest man in the world from 1995 to 2007 is currently the second richest. He holds 8 percent of Microsoft stock and now functions as the non-executive chairman of the company. Over the years, Gates and wife Melinda have made philanthropy their primary concern and recently pledged to give away at least half their fortune to charity with time.

4.Linus Torvalds, Linux This Finnish engineer is virtually unknown outside the inner circles of technology, yet he is among the most influential figures in software development. A believer in open source software, Torvalds initiated thedevelopment of the Linux Kernel. He now acts as the coordinator of the project. The Linux operating system runs the 10 fastest supercomputers in the world and a diverse range of hardware including the smallest of devices. A modified version of the Linux kernel powers the ubiqitous Android OS

5. Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google Co-founders of internet behemoth Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin ran Google from a rented garage in 1998. Twelve years later, Google has left it’s Silicon Valley startup past way behind to become the world’s largest media corporation.

6. Evan Williams, Twitter & Blogger Virtually unknown in the real world, this college drop-out created two key communication technologies that shaped the Internet Blogger and Twitter. He no longer works at Twitter but he’s left an indelible handprint on the cyberworld.

7. Shigeru Miyamoto, Nintendo Even if you’ve never played a video game, chances are you’ve heard of Super Mario Bros. Shigeru Miyamoto is the Japanese game designer behind popular Nintendo titles like Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, and the grand old man of gaming, Mario.

8. Jeffrey Bezos, Amazon In 1994, this Princeton graduate started Amazon.com from his garage in Seattle and changed the face of online retail forever. He began with selling books online but soon diversified into, well, almost everything. Amazon made him a billionaire as well as Time magazine’s person of the year in 1999.

9. Tim Berners-Lee, the World Wide Web 20 years ago British physicist and computer scientist Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, the first web browser and the first web server. This man is the reason we can access webpages and surf the Internet using browsers today.

10. Akio Morita, Sony Former naval officer Akio Morita left his family business of sake, miso and soy sauce to co-found Sony Corporation in 1946. Most of Sony’s path-breaking products like magnetic tapes, tape recorders, pocket-sized radios, the Walkman and the Discman were developed under his leadership.

11th Man: Woz The other Steve who founded Apple with Steve Jobs was Steve Wozniak. Affectionately called Woz, he has been credited with developing the Apple I and Apple II computers in the 1970s. He no longer works full time with Apple, but is still a shareholder and employee of the company.

Hope u enjoyed this article. .

Friday 9 September 2011

How to Permanently Remove a Gmail Account Completely

Are you willing to close or completely remove a Gmail account that you own? Yes you may be. There can be many reasons for why you want to delete your Gmail account. The most common reasons are you have multiple Gmail accounts, your are no more interested of it’s user name etc. However whatever your reason or problem is, Google let’s every Gmail users to delete or disable  their web mail service  from Google account permanently and made this process very simple.

          What Google is telling about this?
“Please be aware, residual copies of deleted messages and accounts may take up to 60 days to be deleted from our active servers and may remain in our backup systems. If you delete your Gmail address but wish to have it back, we work to help you recover your deleted accounts whenever possible. However, within a few weeks’ time, accounts are usually no longer retrievable. Note that a successful recovery will only recover the username associated with the account”. – Google
Follow the link below to disable or remove Gmail mail service and username from Google account.

https://www.google.com/accounts/DeleteCaribouService  – For deleting only Gmail account.
https://www.google.com/accounts/DeleteAccount – For deleting any Google product/service associated with your Google account.
While deleting Google may ask you reasons for who you are closing this account. Be careful to think again what you are doing before the action.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Sensex rises above 17,000 points

A benchmark index for the Indian equities markets soared past 17,000-point mark Wednesday and was trading with gain of over one percent in the afternoon session, on the back of positive cues from Asian peers.

The 30-scrip sensitive index (Sensex) of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), which opened at 16,922.31 points, was trading at 17,059.77 points around 12 noon, up 1.17 percent or 196.96 points from the previous close at 16,862.81 points.
At the National Stock Exchange, the 50-scrip S&P CNX Nifty was trading above 5,100 points mark. The Nifty was ruling 1.16 percent or 58.50 points higher at 5,122.80 points.

Broader markets as well as most sectoral indices were also trading with decent gains.
The BSE midcap index was ruling 1.24 percent higher and the BSE small cap index was trading 1.43 percent higher in the afternoon session.
Most Asian markets rebounded Wednesday after three-day of slump, with Japan's Nikkei gaining over 2 percent. (IANS)